All data on this website is owned by MicroSE (Sander Evers).
You may not copy anything of this website. MicroSE is not responsible for damage caused by this website or by downloads from this site.
Copyrights from others are reserved by them.
Personal use:
All MicroSE Software is freeware for personal (non-commercial) use. This means that you can use the software freely, but you may not change, decompile, sell, distribute (also not on your own website) the software (see the next paragraph for exceptions).
I own this software. Use it at your own risk. We can deliver support, but, we don't have to.
When you may use MicroSE software on your website:
When Sander Evers gave you permission to do so. When you put a link image to the download page of the program, for these images, see my website. (Not available for all MicroSE software)
Commercial usage:
When you want to use it in a commercial way, you'll have to buy the license. Prices of these licenses are determined individually by Sander Evers. The rest of the agreement also applies to the commercial use.
Some MicroSE Software programs are enabled to use plug-ins. These plug-ins are bound to security measures, however MicroSE cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by these plug-ins.